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January 29, 2011

Comprehensive Physiology

Comprehensive Physiology is the first complete website I worked on that launched since my new position. While the front end code isn't anything complex, working on this project really gave me a good overview of the anatomy of most of Wiley's websites. My contribution to this site includes graphics conversion, heavy CSS and light JSP work.

Click here to visit Comprehensive Physiology

January 14, 2011

Frommer's Manila

Many years ago, Frommer's had a full Philippines guide. Then it dropped out of popularity and eventually off the website as well. But it made a return to the site with the last 2010 update as they added Manila to Southeast Asia. Philippines has grown a lot since the last time it was on Frommer's, so the lists of hotels, restaurants, attractions, nightlife and shops are completely different.

Click here for Frommer's Manila

January 12, 2011

WileyPLUS Course Finder

This was one of the first challenging projects I had in my new job because it involved a lot of dynamic elements on each page and it was a new product. The backend was handled by a team of programmers in our Russian office. I took care of the look and feel as well as the JQuery rollover functionality you see after you search for an educational institution. I originally has everything in straight JavaScript, but redid a lot of it with JQuery that I learned on a different project/site.

Click here to Visit WileyPLUS CourseFinder
